Date and venue of AGM held
- Date: 24th August 2011
- Venue: Global Towers Hotel
Generate Your Business (GYB) Idea is a three-day (24-hour) training seminar for those who are interested in starting a business, but who don’t know what business idea will work for them.
Start Your Business (SYB) is a five-day (40-hour) training seminar for those who want to start a business and who have a concrete business idea. The outcome of these five days is the formulation of a bankable business plan for the participants.
Improve Your Business (IYB) is again a five-day (40-hour) training seminar for those who are existing entrepreneurs and who have been running their businesses for at least six months. This IYB training seminar covers five modules namely marketing, costing, record keeping, business planning, and stock controlling & buying.
The SIYB training program that is being designed and implemented in Sri Lanka is generally for those who can read and write (basic literacy) and who can do basic mathematics. However, the SIYB Association advocates the facilitators of the SIYB training seminars to allow the entrepreneurs to accompany their children/siblings, who can read and write and who can do basic mathematics, to the SIYB training seminars (mainly for the SYBs and IYBs) and help their parents/siblings to follow the training programs. This approach has been practiced whenever such entrepreneurs were enrolled in SIYB training seminars in the past.
SIYB training program is a material-based management training program for SMEs in Sri Lanka. Therefore, all SIYB training activities use SIYB’s relevant training manuals. Since they are produced using high-quality materials with long-term reference (durability) by the entrepreneurs in focus, they are reasonably priced. You can visit the page on ORDER and download the “Price Quotation for SIYB Training Manuals” to get the accurate price details.
The SIYB Training of Trainers (ToT) Seminars are 10 days in duration. Generally, they are conducted as a residential program for 10 consecutive days. Alternatively, depending on the request of the donors/funders/partner organizations, ToTs are split into two halves of five days each and are conducted accordingly.
Generally, SIYB ToT Seminars are conducted based on the request of the Partner Organizations or donors sponsoring SME development programs in Sri Lanka. At the same time, from time to time, the SIYB Association organizes ToT Seminars for freelance trainers. Those who wish to get trained in an SIYB ToT Seminar can self-fund and enroll to graduate from an SIYB ToT Seminar. Hence, contact the SIYB Secretariat (
This is one of the common questions that the SIYB Secretariat often gets. Also, this is one of the main questions the SIYB ToT participants often have. You can use the below link to access the guidance in this regard.
“Guidance on Obtaining SIYB Trainer Certificate”
Hon. President
SIYB Master Trainer and the Certified Gold Standard Business Coach (FCCIS).
Master’s in Development Economics Bachelor in Business Management (Acc) Special Degree
Bachelor of Law (Hons)
Higher National Diploma in Accountancy
Chartered Business Accountant, and MAAT.
Former General Secretary to the SIYB Association from 2019 to 2022. Award Winner as the “Diversity Champion of the Year 2023” at the Top 50 Professional Career Women Global Award.
Managing Director of the Business Transformation Services.
National Consultant to the Asian Development Bank.
23 years of Multidisciplinary Professional and Proven Leadership and Working Experiences with International & and National development Agencies Including ILO, USAD, EU, Aus-Aid, ADB, and World Bank.
Seasoned coordinating experience with the Ministries Covering Sectors of Education, Skills, Industries, Trade, Finance, National Planning, Agriculture, Youth, Women, and Children.
Expert and Passionate on Project Design and Management, Strategies and Policy Development, Training, Developing and Managing Partnerships.
Hon. General Secretary
ILO - SIYB Master Trainer
CEFE Business Counsellor Master’s in Development Studies - Gender Studies
Post Graduate Diploma in Women’s Studies
Post Graduate Diploma in Education
Post Graduate Diploma in Management
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Hon.)
Diploma in Conflict Resolution Skill Development
Certificate in Research Methodology in Education
First Treasurer to the ILO – SIYB Association, 2003/2004
Director of PASS Asia (Pvt) Ltd.
26 Years of Professional experience in the areas of research, training, and consulting in the sectors of MSME, Socio-Economic Development, Gender, Peace, and Education.
Trilingual and working experience in nine Provinces of Sri Lanka and abroad with National and International Development Agencies and private sector entities including Banks and Government Ministries and Departments.
Former Advisor; Rural Development for WUSC – PCP
Former Country Director for FORUT – FONT Programme.
Hon. Treasurer
Master Trainer ILO-SIYB
Bachelor of Commerce (Special)
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Devolution and Governance
Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies (PgDDS)
Diploma in Coaching for Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding Initiatives
Diploma in Mainstreaming Conflict Sensitivity
27 years of Experience in the Fields of Training, Business Management, Community Development, Capacity Development, Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Hon. 1st Vice President
PhD-Strategic Management (Reading)
Master of Art Specialized in Sociology
Bachelor of Art Specialized in (PSY)
Bachelor of Philosophy and Diploma in Transformational Development
Master Trainer for Sri Lanka on Savings for Transformation (S4T)
Technical Advisor Economic & Agriculture Development
World Vision Lanka 25 Years of Professional Experience in the development sector
Freelance Consultant for Evaluations & and Livelihood Enhancement and Training
Passionate on Develop and Enhance Community Saving Groups
Hon. 2nd Vice President
SIYB Certified Trainer
Professional Career Counselor
Master of Social Science
Bachelor of Arts
Specialized in Sociology (Hon.)
National Diploma in Career Guidance
Diploma in Counseling
Diploma in Human Resource Management
21 years of work experience in the government sector
Hon. Joint Secretary
SIYB Certified Trainer
Certified Management Consultant of the Institute of Consulting (IC) in the UK
Bacher of Commerce Special Degree
Master’s in Commerce
Diploma in English for Professionals
Diploma in Planning and Development
Working as the Assistant Director to the Small Enterprises Development Division of the Ministry of Youth and Child Affairs
24 years of Experience in Entrepreneurship Development Training, Business Support Services, Monitoring, and Planning.
ILO-SIYB Master Trainer
Certified Management Consultant of the Center for Management Consulting Excellence (CMCE-UK)
CEFE Counsellor, Trainer for Hygiene-WASH programs, Gender, Value Chain Development, and Emerging Market Mapping
Master of Business Administration
Post Graduate Diploma in Management
Bachelor of Science Special Degree in Agriculture (Hons.)
Director of Business Creations Guarantee Limited
Former Country Director of the Life After War Project Sri Lanka
a Program Funded by Comic Relief
Conducted International Project Evaluations in Kenya, Uganda & Sri Lanka. 21 Years of Experience Successfully Leading Strategic Programs and Projects to Empower Women and youth, Support Business growth
CBO Strengthening, Child Protection, Dairy Entrepreneur Development, and Hygiene in Diverse and Multicultural Environments
Worked with Action on Poverty- APT-UK, Big Lottery Fund, Comic Relief, USDA, DFID, Child Fund International, Water Mission, Oxfam GB, Oxfam-Australia, World Vision, SPREAP, IFAD, Mercy Corps, ADRA, Gemidiriya, ZOA and International Executive Services Corps
Hon. Member
SIYB Master Trainer
Senior Certified Trainer of Food Technology
Certified U-Lead Business Development Trainer
Senior Trainer of Outbound Trust Training, Bachelor of Science, Higher National Diploma in Engineering. Provincial Director to the Industrial Development Board and Visiting Lecturer for Entrepreneurship Development at the University of Sri Jayawardhanapura
Former Council Member to the SIYB Association for 08 Years
28 Years of Work Experience in the areas of Business Creation, Business Promotion, Value-Chain Development, and Developing Linkages in Marketing, Finance, and Technology
Passionate about Event Management, Promotion and Networking.
Hon. Member
Master Trainer for TomEJC Mango Production for Export
Ph.D.-IT (Reading)
Master of Science in IT
Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Bachelor of Science
Current In Charge of the Vidatha Resource Center, KPC, Valachchenei 18 Years of work experience in In-Charge of Vidatha Resource Centers and Technical Colleges under the capacity of Trainer, Mentor, and Student Guide.
SIYB Master Trainer,
MDP, M.Sc. B.Sc Agric. Sp. (Hons.) University of Peradeniya,
Former Country Director, Farmer-to-Farmer Sri Lanka Program,
of the USAID funded Global Farmer-to-Farmer Program
1st Vice President
World Vision Lanka Certified SIYB Master Trainer,
Technical Adviser - Economic and Agriculture Development,
MCMI (UK), MBA - International Business (UK),
PgD - Political Education (Germany),
BBA - Finance Management (SL), Dip. in Project Management (UK).
2nd Vice President
SIYB Master Trainer Specialized in Social Mobilization,
Managing Director of GRIP (Guarantee) Limited,
B.A Degree, Diploma in Management,
Rural Development Diploma,
Business Development and Micro Finance,
Economic and Livelihood Development
General Secretary
SIYB Master Trainer, Bsc Mgt (Acc) Special Degree,
MBA - Development Economics, LLB London,
CBA, MAAT, HNDA, Consultant -The Asian Development Bank,
Certified Business Coach (FCCISL),
Global Award Winner - “Diversity Champion of the Year 2023”,
Professional Working Experience at National and International Development Organizations.
Joint Secretary
SIYB Master Trainer, BSc, HNDEr
SIYB Trainer, PGD (HRM) & B.COM (SP) Degree Higher Diploma Career Guidance & Counseling
SIYB Master Trainer, B.A. Economics Special Degree (Hons.),
Postgraduate Diploma in Economics Development,
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
SIYB Trainer, B.Com, M.Com, H.N.D in Accountancy
SIYB Trainer, Higher National Diploma in Accountancy,
National Diploma in Technical Teacher Education,
Head Of Division (Commerce) Technical College-Vavuniya
President (22nd November 2019 - 15th May 2022)
SIYB Master Trainer,
Diploma in Agriculture,
Master of Project Management.
President (15th May 2022 - 28th October 2022)
Technical Adviser – Economic and Agriculture Development, World Vision Lanka
Certified SIYB Master Trainer,
MCMI (UK), MBA - International Business (UK), PgD - Political Education (Germany),
BBA - Finance Management (SL),
Dip. in Project Management (UK)
2nd Vice President
SIYB – Master Trainer
M.Sc.(Econ) USSR
CEO – FACERS Polyglot Academy
General Secretary
SIYB Master Trainer
Bsc Mgt Special Degree, MBA – Development Economics, LLB London
Advisor – Oxfam International
Joint Secretary
SIYB Trainer,
Head, Department of Commerce,
Technical College
SIYB Trainer, PGD (HRM) & B.COM (SP) Degree Higher Diploma Career Guidance & Counseling
Senior Programme Officer
Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka
B.Com (spe), PGDC (Colombo)
Trainer – Entrepreneurship - VTASL
Psychological Counselor
MDP; PGD-Agric Econ; B. Sc. Agric. (Special) Hons;
SIYB Master Trainer
Consultant (Trilingual) in MSME Development, Local and International Training & Trainer Development and Facilitation,
Integrated Approaches to Sustainable Development,
Disability and Development, Specialized in Trilingual Development Process Facilitation.
1st Vice President
Consultant, Local Economic Development / Value Chain Development
BSC (Agri), PGD Industrial Management, MBA, SIYB Senior Master Trainer
Specialized in Private Sector Development
2nd Vice President
Economic and Agriculture Development Specialist World Vision Lanka,
SIYB Master Trainer,
Diploma in Agriculture, Master of Project Management
General Secretary
Senior Training and Research Officer-RDTRI,
SIYB Master Trainer, Member of the Association of KOICA Fellows in Sri Lanka (AKOFE), Justice of the peace all island,
Specialized in Social Mobilization. B com specialized in marketing, Post graduate in Social Science
Joint Secretary
Instructor - Ocean University of Sri Lanka, (Batticaloa)
Academic Coordinator
License Trainer of SIYB Association
Diploma in Business Management, Diploma in Human Resource Management, Diploma in Office Administration
Trainer for Leadership, Life Skill, Career Guidance & Counseling
Manager - Enterprise Development Manager -Berendina Micro Investments Company Limited,
Masters in Regional Development and Planning, BA (Hon sp in Geography), NLP practitioner,
Trainer of Enterprise mentoring (UK - YBI model)
Master of Agri Business Management,
Diploma in Management. Manager (Permaculture) World vision Lanka, SIYB trainer.
Director - Arthacharya Foundation, BA University of Colombo, Former Manager Peoples Bank and Ceylon Merchant Bank,
Founder Member of Lanoka Micro Finance Practitioners Association, Chairman and Managing Director of Sustainable Appropriate Projects Company Ltd,
Chairman and Managing Director of Community Based Micro Finance Network. Specialized in Micro Finance Sector
Science and Technology Officer, SIYB Trainer,
BSc in Mathematical Modeling and Computer Science, PGD in Information Technology,
MSc in Information Technology, Member of MIST, District Coordinator of Science Film Festival Programme-Goethe Institute of German,
Chairman of NESTO Organization
Hon. President
Freelance Consultant MDP (Reading); PGD-Agric Econ; B. Sc. Agric. (Sp) Hons; CMCE - CMI (UK); MIM (SL); SIYB Master Trainer. Specialized in Trilingual Development Process Facilitation, Researcher for National Integrity through Economic and Livelihood Development, Integrated Approaches to Sustainable Development, Disability and Development
Hon. First Vice President
Business Consultant, Freelance Trainer. Chair Person of the Rural Small Business Counseling Association (RSBC). SIYB Trainer, Business Edge Trainer, CEFE Trainer, CEFE Business Counselor and Integrated Farm Developer.
Hon. 2nd Vice President
Deputy Director, Industrial Development Board Of Ceylon Bsc, HNDE
General Secretary
Freelance consultant, MBA, Management Consultant, Soft skills trainer, SIYB master trainer & KAB national facilitator, Specialized in Food based business and Right based approach to development of people with disability.
Hon. Joint Secretary
Development Facilitator World Vision Lanka Master of Leadership Development, Bachelor of Learning for Transformation Dip. in Development Studies Trainer - SIYB, LfT, PMD Pro level 1&2 Freelance - Creative Writer/Visual Director
Hon. Treasurer
Managing Director of Grip (Guarantee) limited B.A Management Diploma, Rural Development Diploma,SIYBTrainer Specialized in Social Mobilization, Development and Micro finance.
Hon. Editor
Consultant, Local Economic Development / Value Chain Development BSC (Agri), PGD Industrial Management, MBA, SIYB Senior Master Trainer Specialized in Private Sector Development.
Hon. Member
Enterprise development officer (EDO), Berendina micro `Investments Company Bachelor of Arts (B.A ). Postgraduate Certificate Course in Psychosocial Counseling. Dip. in Business Management CEFE Trainer - License holder and a member in CEFE NET, Sri Lanka
Hon. Member
Director, Entrepreneurship Development & Consultancy Services, Industrial Development Board. BSC (management) sp. SIYB Master Trainer, KAB National Facilitator.
Hon. President
CEO-SAARC Business Association of Home Based Industries MBA, BSc(Honors), Post Graduate Certificate on Marketing and Quality Assurance in Food processing Industries, SIYB Master Trainer, Trainer Participatory Market System Development(PMSD), Specialized in Post Disaster Livelihood Development.
Hon. First Vice President
Freelance Consultant MDP (Reading); PGD-Agric Econ; B. Sc. Agric. (Sp) Hons; CMCE - CMI (UK); MIM (SL); SIYB Master Trainer. Specialized in Trilingual Development Process Facilitation, Researcher for National Integrity through Economic and Livelihood Development, Integrated Approaches to Sustainable Development, Disability and Development
Jayantha Gunasekera Bsc Eng, University of Peradeniya, PG Dip Business and Financial Administration ICASL, MBA University of Southern Queensland (international), Australia, Senior Manager Programme Effectiveness - World Vision Lanka, Founder and board member of the Rural Enterprise Network Board member of Energy Forum, and Chairperson of the Sri Lanka chapter of South Asia Home Based Workers Business Association.
Hon. Gen. Secretary
Freelance consultant, MBA, Management Consultant, Soft skills trainer, SIYB master trainer & KAB national facilitator, Specialized in Food based business and Right based approach to development of people with disability.
Hon. Joint Secretary
Deputy Director ,Industrial Development Board Of Ceylon Bsc,HNDE
Hon. Treasurer
Ph.D., MBA, FCBA,MCPM, (sp), MA (Sociology) SAT, APFA, MSLQA, PG Mgmt.(USJ), AMA, MIMgt, MSLEA, SLITD Management Consultant & Certified Trainer (UK) CEFE Certified Trainer Micro-Finance Specialist, Consultant for System Designing & Implementing, Personality Development Specialist, ISO Management System Consultant. Dip in Hyp, MHA (S.L).
Hon. Editor
B.Com, M.Com Assistant Director (SLPS) SIYB Trainer CMCE-CMI (UK) Dip. in Planning and Development - SLIDA Dip. in English for Professionals (DEP) - NIBM.
Hon. Member
Enterprise development officer (EDO), Berendina micro `Investments Company Bachelor of Arts (B.A ). Postgraduate Certificate Course in Psychosocial Counseling. Dip. in Business Management CEFE Trainer - License holder and a member in CEFE NET, Sri Lanka.
Hon. Member
Director, Entrepreneurship Development & Consultancy Services, Industrial Development Board. BSC (management) sp. SIYB Master Trainer, KAB National Facilitator.
Hon. President
Consultant, Local Economic Development / Value Chain Development BSC (Agri), PGD Industrial Management, MBA, SIYB Senior Master Trainer Specialized in Private Sector Development.
Hon. First Vice President
CEO-SAARC Business Association of Home Based Industries, MBA, BSc(Honors), Post Graduate Certificate on Marketing and Quality Assurance in Food processing Industries, SIYB Master Trainer, Trainer Participatory Market System Development(PMSD), Specialized in Post Disaster Livelihood Development.
Hon. Second Vice President
Deputy Director ,Industrial Development Board Of Ceylon, Bsc,HNDE
Hon. Gen. Secretary
District Coordinator Ygro (Pvt.) Ltd. B. Sc. (Engg. Perad’ya), M. Div (S’Pore)
Hon. Joint Secretary
Director Arthacharya Foundation BA University of Colombo, Former Manager Peoples Band and Ceylon Merchant Bank, Founder Member of Lanoka Micro Finance Practitioners Association, Chairman and Managing Director of Sustainable Appropriate Projects Company Ltd, Chairman and Managing Director of Community Based Micro Finance Network. Specialized in Micro Finance Sector
Hon. Treasurer
Ph.D., MBA, FCBA,MCPM, (sp), MA (Sociology) SAT, APFA, MSLQA, PG Mgmt.(USJ), AMA, MIMgt, MSLEA, SLITD Management Consultant & Certified Trainer (UK) CEFE Certified Trainer Micro-Finance Specialist, Consultant for System Designing & Implementing, Personality Development Specialist, ISO Management System Consultant. Dip in Hyp, MHA (S.L).
Hon. Editor
K. Cyril De Silva, Hon: Editor, B.A (Hon) University of Peradeniya - Political Science -2nd class, Diploma in International Affairs (DIA) Bandaranayke Centre for International Studies (BCIS) Sri Lanka, Diploma in youth work (DYW) - Commonwealth youth program - Chandigarh - India, Post Graduate on Social Science (PGSC) - St: Francis Xavier University - Novus kotia - Canada, Consultant Trainer - Sri Lanka Business Development Centre (SLBDC)
Hon. Member
Senior Programme officer,Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka, B.Com (SP), PGDC (Colombo) ETSP (South Korea) ED Trainer & Counselor.
Hon. Member
Managing Director of Grip (Guarantee) limited ,B.A Management Diploma, Rural Development Diploma,SIYBTrainer, Specialized in Social Mobilization, Development and Micro finance.
Hon. President
Consultant, Local Economic Development / Value Chain Development BSC (Agri), PGD Industrial Management, MBA, SIYB Senior Master Trainer Specialized in Private Sector Development.
Hon. First Vice President
Director, Entrepreneurship Development & Consultancy Services, Industrial Development Board. BSC (management) sp. SIYB Master Trainer, KAB National Facilitator.
Hon. Second Vice President
CEO-SAARC Business Association of Home Based Industries, MBA, BSc(Honors), Post Graduate Certificate on Marketing and Quality Assurance in Food processing Industries, SIYB Master Trainer, Trainer Participatory Market System Development(PMSD), Specialized in Post Disaster Livelihood Development.
Hon. Editor
Industrial Extension Officer- Industrial Development Board of Ceylon B.Com (Sp) Degree from University of Kelaniya PGDBM-University of Wayamba LICA (Licentiate of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka) MAAT and CMCE (UK).
Hon. Gen. Secretary
District Coordinator Ygro (Pvt.) Ltd. B. Sc. (Engg. Perad’ya), M. Div (S’Pore)
Hon. Treasurer
Ph.D., MBA, FCBA,MCPM, (sp), MA (Sociology) SAT, APFA, MSLQA, PG Mgmt.(USJ), AMA, MIMgt, MSLEA, SLITD Management Consultant & Certified Trainer (UK) CEFE Certified Trainer Micro-Finance Specialist, Consultant for System Designing & Implementing, Personality Development Specialist, ISO Management System Consultant. Dip in Hyp, MHA (S.L).
Hon. Joint Secretary
Senior Manager - Technical Services, World Vision MBA, University of Southern Queensland (International), Australia PG Dip BFA ICASL BSc Eng. University of Peradeniya.
Hon. Member
Senior Programme officer,Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka, B.Com (SP), PGDC (Colombo) ETSP (South Korea) ED Trainer & Counselor.
Hon. Member
Centre Coordinator - Vavuniya Ygro (Pvt.) Ltd. Diploma/Theology, Diploma in Children’s Ministries in Kandy, Project Management (Vavuniya campus of the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka)
Hon. President
Consultant, Local Economic Development / Value Chain Development BSC (Agri), PGD Industrial Management, MBA, SIYB Senior Master Trainer Specialized in Private Sector Development.
Hon. First Vice President
CEO-SAARC Business Association of Home Based Industries, MBA, BSc(Honors), Post Graduate Certificate on Marketing and Quality Assurance in Food processing Industries, SIYB Master Trainer, Trainer Participatory Market System Development(PMSD), Specialized in Post Disaster Livelihood Development.
Hon. Second Vice President
Director, Entrepreneurship Development & Consultancy Services, Industrial Development Board. BSC (management) sp. SIYB Master Trainer, KAB National Facilitator.
Hon. Editor
CEO, Development Facilitators (Pvt) Ltd. B.Sc (Agic), MBA (UK), Specialized in Microfinance and Enterprise Development Director: Berendina Microfinance Institute (Gte) Ltd (BMI), Director: Berendina Development Services (Gte) Ltd (BDS), Director: Lanka Microfinance Practitioners Association (LMFPA).
Hon. General Secretary
Programme Officer Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka (BSc - Ind. Mgt. Second Class, Honors) Licensed CEFE Trainer, KAB National Facilitator Visiting Lecturer - Open University of Sri Lanka.
Hon. Joint Secretary
Deputy Director Industrial Development Board of Ceylon Bsc, HNDE Senior SIYB Licenced Trainer.
Hon. Treasurer
CEO, Community Business & Technology Developers (Gte) Ltd. BSc, M Phil, Diploma in Psychological Counselling, SIYB Master Trainer, KAB National Facilitator.Specialized in Livelihoods Development, Rights Based Approach, Disability, Institutional Development, PME.
Hon. Member
District Coordinator Ygro (Pvt.) Ltd. B. Sc. (Engg. Perad’ya), M. Div (S’Pore)
Hon. Member
Business Development Officer Ministry of Industries- Central Province BSc Physical Science Licensed SIYB & CEFE Trainer, Qualified CMCE Consultant offered by CMI-UK.
Hon. President
CEO, Community Business & Technology Developers (Gte) Ltd. BSc, M Phil, Diploma in Psychological Counselling, SIYB Master Trainer, KAB National Facilitator.Specialized in Livelihoods Development, Rights Based Approach, Disability, Institutional Development, PME.
Hon. First Vice President
Consultant, Local Economic Development / Value Chain Development BSC (Agri), PGD Industrial Management, MBA, SIYB Senior Master Trainer Specialized in Private Sector Development.
Hon. Second Vice President
CEO, Development Facilitators (Pvt) Ltd. B.Sc (Agic), MBA (UK), Specialized in Microfinance and Enterprise Development Director: Berendina Microfinance Institute (Gte) Ltd (BMI), Director: Berendina Development Services (Gte) Ltd (BDS), Director: Lanka Microfinance Practitioners Association (LMFPA).
Hon. Secretary
Freelance Consultant MDP (Reading); PGD-Agric Econ; B. Sc. Agric. (Sp) Hons; CMCE - CMI (UK); MIM (SL); SIYB Master Trainer. Specialized in Trilingual Development Process Facilitation, Researcher for National Integrity through Economic and Livelihood Development, Integrated Approaches to Sustainable Development, Disability and Development.
Hon. Joint Secretary
National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority District Manager (Colombo) Colombo District Office National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority PGDM (Public Mgt.) NDES (Civil) Dip. in Tech. (Civil) KAB Trainer.
Hon. Editor
Industrial Extension Officer Industrial Development Board of Ceylon B.Com (sp) degree (University of Kelaniya). PGDBM (University of Wayambe). LICA (Licentiate of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka) MAAT (Member of Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka ) CMCE (UK).
Hon. Treasurer
Director Arthacharya Foundation BA University of Colombo, Former Manager Peoples Bank and Ceylon Merchant Bank, Founder Member of Lanoka Micro Finance Practitioners Association, Chairman and Managing Director of Sustainable appropriate projects Company Ltd, Chairman and Managing Director of Community Based Micro Finance Network. Specialized in Micro Finance Sector.
Hon. Member
Deputy Director Industrial Development Board of Ceylon (IDB) BSc.(Mgt.) - USJP, PG Dip in Project Mgt. – MSM, Certificate in Management Consulting Essentials SIYB Trainer Specialized in SME development Sector.
Hon. Member
Programme Officer Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka (BSc - Ind. Mgt. Second Class, Honors) Licensed CEFE Trainer, KAB National Facilitator Visiting Lecturer - Open University of Sri Lanka.
Position | Name of the Council Member |
Hon. President | Mr. Gemunu Wijesena |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. K. M. S. G. Bandara |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. D. M. K. K. Kamalsiri |
General Secretary | Ms. Thusitha Tilekewardena |
Treasurer | Mr. Mohan Thilakasiri |
Assistant Secretary | Mr. Chopadithya Edirisinghe |
Editor | Mr. Kithsiri Dharmapriya |
Member | Mr. Chandana Ranasinghe |
Member | Ms. Anjalee Samarasekara |
Position | Name of the Council Member |
Hon. President | Mr. Gemunu Wijesena |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. Kithsiri Dharmapriya |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. K. M. S. G. Bandara |
General Secretary | Mr. Indrasiri Weganthalawatte |
Treasurer | Mr. Jagath C. Basnayake |
Assistant Secretary | Ms. Anusha Kumari De Silva |
Editor | Mr. D. M. K. K. Kamalsiri |
Member | Mr. Kokila Senevirathna |
Member | Mr. J. A. D. R. Pushpakumara |
Position | Name of the Council Member |
Hon. President | Mr. Gemunu Wijesena |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. Kithsiri Dharmapriya |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. K. M. S. G. Bandara |
General Secretary | Mr. Indrasiri Weganthalawatte |
Treasurer | Mr. Jagath C. Basnayake |
Assistant Secretary | Ms. Anusha Kumari De Silva |
Editor | Mr. D. M. K. K. Kamalsiri |
Member | Mr. Kokila Senevirathna |
Member | Mr. J. A. D. R. Pushpakumara |
Position | Name of the Council Member |
Hon. President | Mr. Raj Subramaniam |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. Kokila Senevirathna |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. Kithsiri Dharmapriya |
General Secretary | Mr. P. G. Amarapala |
Treasurer | Mr. Chopaditha Edirisinghe |
Assistant Secretary | Ms. Anusha Kumari De Silva |
Editor | Mr. D. M. K. K. Kamalsiri |
Member | Mr. W. A. Ranaweera |
Member | Mr. W. R. Padmalal |
Position | Name of the Council Member |
Hon. President | Mr. Camilus Mendis |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. Chopaditha Edirisinghe |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. Sujan Nanayakkara |
General Secretary | Mr. P. G. Amarapala |
Treasurer | Mr. Raj Subramaniam |
Assistant Secretary | Mr. Swarna Ranathunga |
Editor | Ms. Manjula Ratnayaka |
Member | Major, Lalath Abeygunawardena |
Member | Dr. Sunil Liyanage |
Position | Name of the Council Member |
Hon. President | Mr. Raj Subramaniam |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. Udaya Seneviratna |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. Sujan Nanayakkara |
General Secretary | Mr. P. G. Amarapala |
Treasurer | Mr. E. Ariyadasa |
Joint Secretary | Mr. Wimal Rathnayaka |
Editor | Ms. Yamuna Gurusinghe |
Member | Mr. Duminda Weerasinghe |
Member | Mr. K. M. S. G. Bandara |
Position | Name of the Council Member |
Hon. President | Mr. Raj Subramaniam |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. Chopaditha Edirisinghe |
Hon. Vice President | Mr. Weerasena Banda |
General Secretary | Mr. P. G. Amarapala |
Treasurer | Ms. Maheswary Pathirathne |
Joint Secretary | Mr. Wimal Ratnayaka |
Editor | Mr. Udaya Seneviratna |